Urban Policy
Urban policy is an important topic that touches on many aspects of public policy because most people live, work, and play in cities or their surrounding suburbs. This course is designed to give a theoretical and policy context for students that wish to work in local government, the nonprofit sector, economic development, or related fields. The course covers: the social and economic benefits of urban regions, key causes and implications of urban sprawl and the urban / suburban divide, tools of urban policy and economic development, and spatial analysis. As part of the class students complete GIS labs to build a basic competency in spatial analysis. [ link ]
Lecture 00: Course Overview [ ppt ]
Lecture 01: Cities and Prosperity [ ppt ]
Lecture 02: Housing Prices [ ppt ]
Lecture 03: Health and Sprawl [ ppt ]
Lecture 04: Causes of Sprawl [ ppt ]
Lecture 05: Governance and Regulation [ ppt ]
Lecture 06: Funding Infrastructure [ ppt ]
Lecture 07: Demographic Sorting [ ppt ]
Lecture 08: Economic Development [ ppt ]
Lecture 09: Affordable Housing [ ppt ]
Lecture 10: Poverty and Mobility [ ppt ]
GIS Labs
Lab 01: Introduction to R [ vocabulary ] [ functions ] [ markdown ] [ lab ]
Lab 03: Basic Programming in R [ ppt ] [ rmd ] [ pdf ] [ lab ]
Lab 10: Map Formats and Style [ ppt ] [ rmd ] [ pdf ] [ lab ]
Here is an overview of some mapping tools in R [ link ]
And here are some really nice examples produced by a data journalist [ link ]
Advanced GIS
For some more advanced GIS functions check out: https://rpubs.com/ajlyons/rspatialdata
Manny Gimond has some nice [ GIS Tutorials ] in R.
And some fun graphical representations of polygons using [ ggforce ]
Strong Towns Blog [ link ]
Urban 3 - Tax Policy Storyboard [ link ]
Andrew Price Blog [ link ]